
martial arts

George Girton


January 4, 2024

sun-moon sun-moon positive-negative


I had already ‘turned around’ the remaining 6 Uechi style katas, doing them both A side and B side (Sanchin kata is symmetric by nature), and I had been walking the Pa Kua circle in both directions for awhile. Then an opportunity came to learn the Yang Tai Chi form on the ‘B’ side, on a Zoom class just an hour before I usually sit down to work. I went for it. And then … then! … then we started to do the saber form with the left hand. Wow the lefties in the class have been waiting for this one all their lives. So, that was 2023.


There’s a prof at UCLA, Cassie Holmes, who teaches a 10-week course on happiness.(‘Applying the Science of Happiness to Life Design’). She wrote a story for the Los Angeles Times, which said “specify five things that made you happy – gave you joy – in the past year. Do those things. Protect your time to do those things. If you don’t know specific examples of what makes you happy, journal for a week or two about how you’re feeling (actually what she says is time track every half hour and write down what you feel) and use the results of that writing. Don’t proceed from ‘this in general makes me happy’. Get specific examples. Or words to that effect.

So, that is her ‘thinkie’.


What is the nubbin of the thinkie? I go to Kent Beck’s substack – we have been promised thinkies – and find instead that Niklaus Wirth has died this year


We are nattering nabobs of negativity!

Pattering potatoes of positivity!

Clattering kabobs of communicativity!

Pseudoscientific sycophants of savant-idiocy!

potato chip bag on the beach

— all photos Copyright © 2022-2024 George D Girton all rights reserved