How to close your browser tabs

MIH (make it happen)

George Girton


December 5, 2023

Tab by tab, Buddy, tab by tab

Red pepper snack

So, I’m listening to the MacPowerUsers podcast, an hour-long discussion between David Sparks, Stephen Hackett and their guest for the show, Kourosh Dini, and after talking about installing “The Tik Tok” on a burner iPad, so that it won’t somehow get your personal information off of iCloud, they launch into a discussion of “which personal information manager is better, DevonThink or Obsidian,” and I’m like …

“These guys are superhuman. I can’t even close all my browser tabs”

But I CAN close them. I can do it. I can.


Moving from right to left. Do not even look at another tab until you deal with this one!

First (and rightmost) tab

first tab up is Gumroad. I have just bought Pro SwiftUI, last updated in 2022 (hmmm). In order to close the tab:

  • Read some of the book

  • download other updates from Gumroad

  • Close the tab

Other updates: Hacking with WatchOS, SwiftUI by example.

Not updated: Django for Professionals by Will Vincent. Soon Will will update it for Django 5.0. Go, Will Go! (and thank you!) Tab: Closed


Black Friday sale from … sale is technically over, but have already saved $25 by acting now! Tab: Closed. (muchas gracias to Paul Hudson – – for his hard work and generosity)

Third, Los Angeles Public Library. Email will be sent when books in transit arrive at local branch: Tab: Closed


Fourth, three tabs about Giskard for tonite’s DevTalk meetup:

GitHub - Giskard-AI/giskard: 🐢 The testing framework for ML models, from tabular to LLMs

Why Giskard? - Giskard Documentation

12 Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Tools / Software in ’23

[Yes you can select multiple tabs in Safari by clicking on one then, option clicking on others, or shift-clicking to get a whole sequence 🍸🙀]

Links: First, shift click on the tabs to select just three of them. Then, collected by opening sidebar and right clicking on the thing in upper left Tabs: moved to new window! Tabs will be closed later on!


Some tabs from AWS courses open. AWS recently had serious problem with resource leakage from its very own machine learning because … they did not follow the advice in these courses! (here is a Mastodon post about the free courses: thanks Sharon Machlis!)

Perhaps the education course was a grassroots effort by AWS line developers to get their C-suite decision makers to take the course in the face of a clear and present danger? IF so, Fail.

Tabs: Closed

next to last

A tab from Nation’s photo lab offering greeting card discounts. Hoping I can order a set of cards, each photo in the set being different. Does anyone offer this? Please advise soonest. Tab: closed

Last but not last

White paper on home energy rebates on heat pumps. Not available until next year. Tab: closed

Last but least

Other browser window: open to Amazon orders. Window: Closed


There is a story in the New Yorker magazine about Nvidia and AI!


More tabs in another window. right to left, Buddy, right to left.

Very 1st tab on right

Publish and Share with Quarto :: Cheatsheet

WTF I should be reading this, I am using Quarto right now!!!

Tab: closed

Learn to be tidy

Experts say tidiness, like messiness, is learned

omg i was working on this when i started to get organized!!!🙀

“To maintain your newly tidier, better organized environment, Gill recommends embracing the mantra”don’t put it down; put it away. Tab: closed

also in WaPo: “It’s never too late to lift weights!” Tab: closed

Any other AI tabs

moved to brand new AI window, to be closed after meetup!

e.g. Everyone is above average! from



The best summary of Giskard, at Tech Crunch

Giskard is an open-source AI testing library with twenty employees (will grow to 40 soon) and three products:

  • open source python testing library

  • “AI Quality ‘hub’” to debug LLM and compare to other LLM’s

  •  LLMon, a real-time monitoring tool that to evaluate LLM answers for toxic answers, flat out made-up shit, fact checking, and other common issues, before the response is sent back to the user

Three or four 90-second videos in the Devtalk discussion list for the meetup show how easy the library is to configure and use.

OK, tabs closed, at least on 1 computer, including “What if my RoboVac stops in the middle of cleaning with Four Beep Error?“

Tidy – and dust free! Tabs: closed

— all photos Copyright © 2022-2024 George D Girton all rights reserved