Loopin’ back around back to the same old place


George Girton


August 20, 2024

same old same old!

still on silicon beach, whew!

a brief detour, and then back on ‘track’

I had updated to Quarto [insert version here] and so I thought, why not update firebase tools to [insert that version here] (it had been awhile), but then after that the command:

firebase serve

did not work anymore for testing out my edits before uploading using

firebase deploy

What to do?

A helpful LLM (Bing Bing Badda Bing) suggested to update firebase to the latest version. Hmmmm. That is exactly what introduced the problem in the first place! As I like to say on Mastodon, 🍸🙀🙀🙀

I looked at the parent folder of ‘posts’ and … whoa where did all that escarpment (sic) come from? I took out a bunch of [stuff] and … the weird message I had been getting about ‘could not resolve something or other’ went away! Yay!!

then I remembered, that a simple

 python3 -m http.server

when rendered in the correct folder (‘public’), could serve the site! And guess, what, it did! (I mean, great for testing, right?). Yay, it was okay! This is what Minimum Viable Python is all about, just that 1 line!

So, but then, still some head scratching. What if ‘firebase deploy’ messes things up?

A day or two later I had to try it, because the alternative was … github actions? IDFK. Meanwhile …


I can get back to reading the latest issue of the London Review of Books and the Scientific American, which just walked in the door today

— all photos Copyright © 2022-2024 George D Girton all rights reserved