R Without stats


George Girton


January 20, 2024

To bee or …

R without statistics! Don’t be sad! It’s a free book!! Get busy!!!

  • start reading R without Statistics
  • 1st chapter is about R Studio interface
  • download latest version of R, and RStudio from posit.com
  • New download instructions and list of products are confusing
  • Finally find old free RStudio
  • 1st chapter is ok, read a csv file and filter/summarise it
  • Chapter 2 great ‘small multiples’ graph recreation from 2021 Scientific American article. Data not updated to present day, tho.
  • Try out graph – load data
  • run the line ‘unique(dm_perc_cat_hubs_raw$MapDate)’ and yes September 2021 is the last date
  • read Chapter 3 on mapping
  • Get interested in a gas stations database
  • Download a file of epa locations
  • Process it and map the ones that had ‘gasoline station’ in the description
  • Notice that all the Ralphs supermarkets are represented in the gas station category (they don’t have them)

bird of paradise

— all photos Copyright © 2022-2024 George D Girton all rights reserved