Resolution Fail? Noooo!


George Girton


January 16, 2024


In past years, I’ve made a January 1 resolution to finish all the books I’m reading before aquiring any new books. Ha ha! Did I mention “har-de-har-har?” See also, “You’ve got to be kidding me”, AKA New Year’s Resolution valid at least until January 3rd or 4th or, at the outside, 5th.

This time I’m taking a different approach. I’m re-reading some of the books I enjoyed last year, along with one or two new ones.

Gary Taubes’ book on Insulin is new in 2024. I’m making my way through it and re-thinking eating.

Sam Willis’s book on the American Revolution is a terrific audio book. I checked it out of the library and ended up getting a print copy to be able to refer back to it, and also to look at the maps.

Elizabeth Kolbert’s book on man-made environmental ‘oopsies’ is particularly trenchant in that she also discusses ways we might rescue ourselves from our man-made climate change by means of … man-made environmental (one hopes) NON-oopsies. A terrific travel book, too.

The other books, by Simon Winchester (about the history of precision machining), Amy Wilentz (about California around the time Arnold became governator), and Allen Downey (about one statistical paradox after another), are all just pure pleasure. I’ll try to talk about how great they are later in the year, as I read and re-read them.

All best for 2024!

New books for the year

— all photos Copyright © 2022-2024 George D Girton all rights reserved