First post


George Girton


May 6, 2022


This is a blog done with the new publishing software Quarto, from RStudio.

As it turns out, in the “Jobs” folder of Rstudio (next to Console, Terminal, and Render) there is a little message which appears (under the right circumstances) saying:

Watching files for changes
Browse at http://localhost:6003/

But, before I knew that I used the following python one-liner to start a local web server

python3 -m http.server

Well, technically I guess that’s a bash one-liner. But, still, minimum viable python.

Point your browser to http://[::]:8000/ or to localhost:8000, and examine your changes as you make them.

An advantage of using this ‘serve-your-own’ method is that when you exit RStudio or close the project to do something else, you can still browse the site in your browser.

You might want to open your site in Visual Studio Code, too. With its Quarto plug-in you can view the site and render it. I found an error in my site Yaml (in _quarto.yml) that was logged a lot more clearly in Visual Studio Code’s Quarto output panel.

I like site and file explorer on VS Code’s left hand panel, too!

— all photos Copyright © 2022-2024 George D Girton all rights reserved